So I know that some of you are desperately wanting a Name In The Game code and sadly missed out. I thought why not run an informal competition for my lovely forum members! I would like you to do the following please:
1.This weekend, build me a prison. Any prison. A little prison, a big prison, a cat-shaped prison (or dog, I'll discriminate).
2. Upload it to World Of Wardens.
3. Post on this thread with the name of the upload (please don't call them all Slot 0, I will be grumpy!) and which console it's on.
4. In the same post, tell me why you should be in the game.
5. I'll arbitrarily pick people to receive a code based on how I'm feeling and what tickles my fancy
Entries will close on Monday 22nd at 9am GMT, as I sit down with a latte. GOOD LUCK, WARDENS!!