Hello. I just bought the game and i love it. Is very fun to play and entertaining. But i have a question. Wil xbox360 version have updates?. Like moving forward adding things that are in pc but not in console version. Or you just focus in xbox one and ps4 version since they are the next gen console.
I believe that double eleven will give you updates I am not sure though. If they do it will probably come after the Xbox one/ps4 get theirs
Hi there,
Any updates that the current gen consoles get should also be included in 360 as far as I'm aware. However, the only currently scheduled updates are primarily bug fixes with no additional content planned.
Nat D11
That will be awesome. I was afraid that xbox360 doesnt get updates for beign old gen. Thank you for the information.
No problem, Lucho! We love all of our platform-babies equally
Do you happen to know when the first content up date is scheduled for Xbox360. To elaborate, update 3 with the guard towers and snipers. will those be added?
Hi @Assasin32,
You're talking about PC updates there. Console edition isn't the same as PC and has different content. If any new content will be added to the console edition there will be an announcement.