Hello guys. As the tittle says. I want to share my prison. I've put a lot of effort and and time in this prison. I created it with infinite money cuz i wanted to start with everything running. This is my third prison. The other two i start from the begging with money. Just was eraning money completing objetives.
Any way. The name of the prison is MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS, it has capacity of 649 prisoners. 217 min sec, 169 med sec, 137 max sec, 52 death row, 41 super max sec and 33 private custody. It starts in day 141 with no inmates. I tasted with some saves and so far no riots.
Let me know what you guys think. And if you have some prison you want to share post it in the comments.
As always, sorry if my english is not good. Im from argentina