Thank you for bringing a great game to the X1! Couple of issues I've encountered;
There does not seem to be a way to relocate prisoners (i.e. the tunnel rat get's punished and placed back in his same rank 10 cell as before instead of moving to the dungeons errr temporary holding cells or something similar with a poor rating). Offcourse he then proceeds to built a new tunnel... Rinse repeat.
I built 3 guard towers, hired 3 snipers and all 3 towers were used. Then I decided to move one Guard Tower to the inside of an yard, the tower got moved just fine but the sniper remained in the original spot. Sniper fired and rehired he then proceeds to occupy one of the other two guard towers so I end up with 1 guard tower with 2 snipers, 1 guard tower with 1 and 1 guard tower unmanned. Note that the moved tower had it's door facing forward and unblocked but all 3 other sides were blocked by small benches (I moved the tower around some more after that, removed the benches etc but issue remained).
The game is in Dutch...
Well... It tries to be lol (I hope the translator never got paid). Worst part is though I have no way to set this to English. My Xbox Language is set to English with the Xbox locality being The Netherlands. If you are going to dictate the language at least use the system language instead of the locality. Locality is basically a region assignment, region does not equal language.
Sometimes (might be related to running full speed) the tunnel dig icon appears but is not clickable and jumps around the screen (seems to be in relation to digging items being found by dogs in the ground without finding the actual tunnel).
I'm not sure but it seems that items discovered by metal detectors and frisking are not removed until a "search entire grounds" order is given (the search entire grounds order starts with all detected items without having searched any spot yet).
There is a bug in the hire personnel screen with the cleaners, seems like a quote too many or less in the translation file (Dutch), part of the name shows a variable. For me this seemed to cause me to being unable to hire cleaners during the campaign (campaign 4).
When demolishing automated doors (large prison door) they sometimes leave a small security zone in it's place in the spot where the door used to be.
The game has no warning indicator that you've reached the maximum amount of doors that can be wired to a control station, it simply doesn't accept a new connection anymore.
It's unclear to me if snipers are working, I would expect snipers to kill escapees yet I have not seen them kill any, a couple of instances it seemed that they would stop escapees at "gunpoint", even when the shoot to kill order is issued they don't seem to shoot. Might be related to issue 2 or started happening after issue 2 arose.
Message notification for guards under attack, attack under control and escaping prisoners would be far better if they were on the same timer as the tunnel symbol (most of the times those messages slip by before I'm able to react or get near).
Grant for removing contraband doesn't seem to be working, on average I confiscate 3 items per prisoner per 7 days, yet the grant doesn't credit for either removing nor finding the items.
Cell size subtracts inside walls from the total (most likely just counts designated tiles instead of calculating the actual inside of a cell. The result being that the fancy cell I built with designated shower room and designated toilet doesn't get credit for being a luxury size cell.
A "praying carpet?" works great in a cell but is not an option in the room specific choice menu, I understand it not being under cell improvements as it doesn't grant a cell improvement point but would expect to have it in the regular cell menu.
When placing servos manually it's completely unclear on how to place them at first (for me it seemed logical to have the square side attach to the door). Hooking them up by wiring them to the control station without adding a servo first is a great workaround that works like a charm. Just adding feedback because I didn't want to end the list at 13.