Minor issue, but choosing a higher difficulty results in an end game size penalty for your prison.
I appreciate the different 'difficulty' settings, and like to play games on the highest challenge. In this instance, selecting SuperMax, so you start with smallest funds, but also smallest build area. This is fine. The issue is that after purchasing land expansion options, and buying those available you are unable to get to the maximum plot size. If you alter the starting size, you change to Custom difficulty. With that setting you can start with a large area and buy more expansions, resulting in more build area than the large map.
Result: selecting highest difficulty of SuperMax you are unable to get an end prison size greater than large even with land expansions. This is an end game penalty with no impact on difficulty.
Possible 'fix': no matter the starting plot size, allow purchases which result in the same maximum plot size in the end. Starting with a small plot size will of course then require more expansion purchases than starting with a large plot size. This would be difficulty impacting, as you need to spend more $ to get same result.