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Jul 2016


I have my 2 codes via an email from,one was for in game DLC All night all Day and second code to appear in the game,i have followed the instruction,made my inmate,so all good at this point.

My question is when does my inmate appear in the game?how does this preorder incentive work?

kinds regards


PS this game is very good

  • created

    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Jul '16
  • 8


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Hi @vimraan, providing your prisoner meets our checks, it should appear in the first intake. There's one happening around the end of July (as they've all got to be manually checked and added into the game in a batch), with other intakes planned for August and September.

ps THANKS! :smiley:

Nat D11

great news,will look out for my inmate.



Funny Amazon never gave me that code for my ps4 pre order but I won the contest so I'm in the game any way so I don't mind lol

Another open competition like the last one? Never. We MAY have some name in the game codes away as a giveaway prize and if so that'll be announced on here :smile:

Nat D11