Hi there!
I'm having a blast with this game on PS4! I played through all story missions and I'm building my own prison now on the medium difficulty. I'm having some troubles tho and hopefully you can help me out.
Now, for some reason I can't change the language I play in. Since my PS4 is set to Dutch, Prison Architect is set to Dutch as well (even tho I'd prefer to play English). Therefore, I might not use the correct English words. Sorry for that 
First off, There are quite a few mistakes in the translation. When you pick an informant you can ask him to go to the security area. When you do, there a line saying ´prisoner_onrouteline´ or something like that. The other option is probably to ´fire him´. But the Dutch translation says ´brand´. "Brand" however is not the translation to ´to fire´ but to ´a fire´. Like a building that´s on fire. So it looks like I have an option to either call him to my office, or set him on fire..
Other parts of the translation, like removing cables are just wrong. I can't recall what it says (on the office right now) but it has absolutely nothing to do with removing anything. It's like they translated a wrong sentence.
Than, the questions
- Does having multiple accounts or lawyers have any use in game?
- Contraband... I'm having A LOT! I have 250 prisoners and over 150 Contraband in the past 7 days. I keeps telling me that the contraband is getting out of hand. Things I've done:
Metal detectors are everywhere
Dogs everwhere, including multiple in the delivery area, visitation, choke points etc. I have twice as much dogs than I have have on patrol so they can rest.
There are no open areas to throw contraband over the wall
According to the contraband info, most just comes bursting through the (only) frontdoor. Half of the contraband just defies the law of the game. Knives get past 5 or 6 metal detectors, alcohol is getting past 4 dogs etc. How does that work? Do prisoners throw stuff through the metal detector so it can be picked up?
Furthermore, I´ve had few escapes when they tunnled out of the prisons. How do they get the shovels? I never shows up on the contraband info. I have quite a few pop ups on screen of shovels bbut there is nothing I can do from there.
Is the only way to search every cell block, every 2 days? I have one front entrance in my prison and it's the only entrance. To get from the entrance or the visitation area to any other part of the prison, one has to pass 6 detectors and a lot of dogs, even so, contraband is better available than cleen sheets. How do I stop my staff from bringing in contraband?