I want to move one of my prisoners into a better cell, but I can't find any way to actually do it.
If it's like PC you click on them then click the cell
Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work on xbox.
Darn sorry for not being much help I'm a ps4 guy so I only have the game pre ordered.
It should work like chapter 1 when you move Edward from his current cell to the cell by the execution room but I am also a ps4 guy so I only have the game preordered
Seriously I fiddled with this for like an hour how the ■■■■ do I do it the game just release and I already can't move prisoners between cell seriously what's the point of cell quality if they are permanently assigned to their cells.
https://forums.double11.com/t/ask-the-developers/34/278?u=kurkomoka keep an eye on this post too if it gets answered, been wondering how to do this since launch.
I still wanna know how to do this but I did realize prisoners are automatically moved to cells that best suit there privileges so that's a start, but personally not enough for me.
I got an answer from the dews and there is no way of changing cells manually on console https://forums.double11.com/t/ask-the-developers/34/331?u=kurkomoka
I'm sorry but do they not realize....that is terrible. I understand how great everything else it but seriously they could have just programmed it like the guards. Why did it have to be different? I think that's a serious error on their account.
I know and you can't do it with the doctors ether so I've had 3 deaths since the guards wouldn't take the prisoner to the infirmary to be healed
Spawn the doctors were the prisoners are